A Star |
What is a Star?
Stars are bolls of hot gas. Stars look small but some are more big than the one of the stars more important, the sun. the heat of the stars is made by Nuclear Fusion. Stars have a lot of colors and size. Stars born in big clowns of dust and gas called Stellar nebula. Some get smaller because of gravity. When shrinks becomes hotter. When is hot, Nuclear reactions can start in the middle and a star born.
The characteristics of a star are luminosity, temperature, size, color, spectral class and type. In the night we can see about 6,000 stars. Stars born and die. When stars die, some become red giant stars and white dwarf. A nuclear fusion happen when the nuclear reaction inside, changes hydrogen gas into helium molecules.
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction which have to lights called hydrogen gas molecule. Nuclear reaction inside of a star change two hydrogen gas molecule into helium molecule. When this happen a star makes energy.
Nuclear Fusion |
Types of Stars |
Stars can be classified as young stars, middle age star or old star by ages.Size small star, medium stars and large stars. Temperature hot star (30,000-10,000) blue stars are the hot ones. Medium stars (10.000-4,000) and cold stars (4,000-2,000). Luminosity bright stars (100,000-100) medium stars (100-0.1) dim stars (0.1-0.0001).
Types of Stars
Star types are giants, super giant, main sequence,and white dwarfs. Stars are category by ages,size small or bigger. Temperature how brighter a star are (0.001-1,000,000). Color they can be red, orange, yellow, white-
Star white and blue. spectral class letter that tells the temperature of(O, B, A, F,G,K, M).
H-R Diagram
Star white and blue. spectral class letter that tells the temperature of(O, B, A, F,G,K, M).
H-R Diagram
according whit their luminosity, type color, temperature and evolutionary stage.
The Life Cycle of a star
A star's life cycle is determined by its mass. The larges is the mass , the shorter is the life cycle. Mass is determinate by gas and dust when a star is formed.
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