Some volcanoes are form at convergent boundaries. Boundaries that are between two plates, that move toward each other.Boundaries form trench, ocean ridges and transform fault, called pacific ring of fire. Also volcanoes form at divergent boundaries, two plate tectonic move away from each other. Lava is the molten rock that come out of a volcano.Magma is a molten material be neath Earth's crust. Valleys, hills,shield. Hot spot volcanic region that is Anomalous hot compared whit mantle.
Pate Tectonic
Africa and South America look like pieces of a puzzle, this support the theory that all continents were one big continent. Pangaea was when all continents were ones big continent. Scientists believe Pangaea existed about two or tree hundred million years ago. Then the continents break apart and form the continents we see today.
Mountains are big lad form that rise well above the surrounding land for a limited area in from of a peak. Mountains are large and taller than hills and are more than 600m in height. Mountain places are called, montane. They are formed when the oceanic oceanic crust is subducted because is to dense.
IHSL Silvia Domingo
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tilt=Inclinar: Angle of a planet.
Polaris=Estrella polar:North star,Earth's axis pointed at.
Axis=Eje: A imaginary line in the center of Earth.
Equator=Ecuador: A line in the middle of Earth. Divides Earth in to equal parts.
Hemispheres=Hemisferios: North and Southern hemisphere.
Revolution=Revolucion: The Earth move around the sun.
Indirect=Indirecto:Indirect sun light, is winter.
Directed=Directo: Direct sun light, is summer.
Seasons=Temporadas: summer, winter, spring and fall.
Equinoxes=Equinoccios: equal day and night.
The Earth has four seasons, they are summer, winter, spring and fall. The seasons are caused by tilt and revolution around the sun. The Earth's middle line is called equator. The earth has also hemisphere, norther and southern. When the sun light is direct sun light is summer. During the fall, the sun light is equal in both hemispheres. The indirect sun light is winter. In spring the light is equal again.
How is earth affected by movement?
Evidences are day and night of Earth's rotation on his own axis.Summer, winter, fall and spring are caused by revolution. Revolution around the earth cause seasons.The revolution of the moon around the earth is called lunar revolution, that cause tides. That affect earth movements.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
When I and my group members did fight, for little things.
2. What was most challenge for you during this project?
wrote the planing, because even when that was not my job, we did help each others. Planing was difficult because was like a title puzzle.
3.What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
Be patient.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?
Be more creative and fanny, because we did work really fast.
Tilt=Inclinar: Angle of a planet.
Polaris=Estrella polar:North star,Earth's axis pointed at.
Axis=Eje: A imaginary line in the center of Earth.
Equator=Ecuador: A line in the middle of Earth. Divides Earth in to equal parts.
Hemispheres=Hemisferios: North and Southern hemisphere.
Revolution=Revolucion: The Earth move around the sun.
Indirect=Indirecto:Indirect sun light, is winter.
Directed=Directo: Direct sun light, is summer.
Seasons=Temporadas: summer, winter, spring and fall.
Equinoxes=Equinoccios: equal day and night.
The Earth has four seasons, they are summer, winter, spring and fall. The seasons are caused by tilt and revolution around the sun. The Earth's middle line is called equator. The earth has also hemisphere, norther and southern. When the sun light is direct sun light is summer. During the fall, the sun light is equal in both hemispheres. The indirect sun light is winter. In spring the light is equal again.
How is earth affected by movement?
Evidences are day and night of Earth's rotation on his own axis.Summer, winter, fall and spring are caused by revolution. Revolution around the earth cause seasons.The revolution of the moon around the earth is called lunar revolution, that cause tides. That affect earth movements.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
When I and my group members did fight, for little things.
2. What was most challenge for you during this project?
wrote the planing, because even when that was not my job, we did help each others. Planing was difficult because was like a title puzzle.
3.What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
Be patient.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?
Be more creative and fanny, because we did work really fast.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Geologic Time Scale
The Ordovician period beginning whit the end of Cambrian period in 488 millions years ago. Ordovician period ends in 444 millions years ago, whit the beginning of Silurian. This a is period of marine invertebrates, trilobites called the early vertebrates. A typical marine community. Red and green algae, primitive fish, corals, sponges and gastropods. The rise of the cephalopods and the first land plants.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project?
I really enjoy my topic Ordovician period, because is about marine life, and the fist land plants.
2. What was most challenging about this project? Why?
I think the most difficult was do the references, just because when I looked for information, sometimes I forgotten to put where I did find the information.
3. What you change about this project and why?
Some times I think is good to work as a group but this time it was good to have the choose to work alone, because I think when we work in groups it take more time for do the work.
4. What are 3 thing that you learned from this project?
-I learned the Geologic time.
-When happen the periods.
- and what happened in the periods.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project?
I really enjoy my topic Ordovician period, because is about marine life, and the fist land plants.
2. What was most challenging about this project? Why?
I think the most difficult was do the references, just because when I looked for information, sometimes I forgotten to put where I did find the information.
3. What you change about this project and why?
Some times I think is good to work as a group but this time it was good to have the choose to work alone, because I think when we work in groups it take more time for do the work.
4. What are 3 thing that you learned from this project?
-I learned the Geologic time.
-When happen the periods.
- and what happened in the periods.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Stars
A Star |
What is a Star?
Stars are bolls of hot gas. Stars look small but some are more big than the one of the stars more important, the sun. the heat of the stars is made by Nuclear Fusion. Stars have a lot of colors and size. Stars born in big clowns of dust and gas called Stellar nebula. Some get smaller because of gravity. When shrinks becomes hotter. When is hot, Nuclear reactions can start in the middle and a star born.
The characteristics of a star are luminosity, temperature, size, color, spectral class and type. In the night we can see about 6,000 stars. Stars born and die. When stars die, some become red giant stars and white dwarf. A nuclear fusion happen when the nuclear reaction inside, changes hydrogen gas into helium molecules.
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction which have to lights called hydrogen gas molecule. Nuclear reaction inside of a star change two hydrogen gas molecule into helium molecule. When this happen a star makes energy.
Nuclear Fusion |
Types of Stars |
Stars can be classified as young stars, middle age star or old star by ages.Size small star, medium stars and large stars. Temperature hot star (30,000-10,000) blue stars are the hot ones. Medium stars (10.000-4,000) and cold stars (4,000-2,000). Luminosity bright stars (100,000-100) medium stars (100-0.1) dim stars (0.1-0.0001).
Types of Stars
Star types are giants, super giant, main sequence,and white dwarfs. Stars are category by ages,size small or bigger. Temperature how brighter a star are (0.001-1,000,000). Color they can be red, orange, yellow, white-
Star white and blue. spectral class letter that tells the temperature of(O, B, A, F,G,K, M).
H-R Diagram
Star white and blue. spectral class letter that tells the temperature of(O, B, A, F,G,K, M).
H-R Diagram
according whit their luminosity, type color, temperature and evolutionary stage.
The Life Cycle of a star
A star's life cycle is determined by its mass. The larges is the mass , the shorter is the life cycle. Mass is determinate by gas and dust when a star is formed.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Planet Order 7 from the sun
Distance from the sun: 3 million km
Mass: 14.54 km.
Diameter: 51,120 km, or 4 times earth's.
Rotation: 17n 14 min.
Revolution: 84. 0 y
Number of Moons: 24
Terrestrial or Jovian
Uranus is like large, gaseous planet with thin, dark rings. Atmosphere is hydrogen, helium, and methane. Axis of rotation is nearly parallel to plane of orbit. Has at least 24 moons.
Interesting things oddly, the axis of Uranus is horizontal, the planet appears to be lying on its side its poles point toward the sun. Axis of rotation is nearly parallel to plane of orbit.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Hurricane Irene Project
1. What effect does water temperature have on the creation a hurricane?
The sea surface temperature must be excess of 26c. The hot sea the stronger the hurricane will be, and caused flooding and destruction. Hurricanes only happen in an area of the world that the climate is hot. Hurricanes need warm sea water feed it self and grow.
2. Why would there be more damage to an area during high tide?
When the moon, sun and earth form a right angle, affect because water are strong that go out the oceans bands, causing flooding.
3. If an area is fully saturated, how will this be more dangerous for an area?
The water table is "above the grass.'' If this happen people will have flooding, plants will die, people will have water in their home.
4. Why would there be more flooding if the ground was fully saturated?
More flooding, when the ground is fully saturated because there is no where for the water to go.
1. What is something that you liked about mini-project?
Learn about how happen thing in our ecosystem.
2. What was difficult for you on this project?
One part of groundwater, zone saturation.
3. What would you change about your work on this project?
work in group?
4. How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
Help to know more about how happen thing around you.
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